This is Debian GNU/Linux 1.3. This file gives installation and upgrade instructions. It was last updated on August 11, 1997. --- Installing a new System. Installation instructions can be found in ftp:disks-i386/current/install.html (read with your web browser) or disks-i386/current/install.txt (plain text). --- Upgrading from earlier versions of Debian. You can upgrade automatically via FTP or from CD or disk. With this release, it is very important to upgrade our "dpkg" package tool before you upgrade other packages. To do this, change into the stable/binary-i386/base directory on your CD, or use FTP or some other means to get the ".deb" files mentioned below. Then as root, run these commands: dpkg --clear-avail dpkg --install ldso_*.deb dpkg --install libc5_*.deb dpkg --install dpkg_*.deb dpkg-ftp_*.deb dpkg --purge --force-depends texbin You will now be able to upgrade the entire system automatically using our "dselect" tool. If you are connected to the Internet you will not need to retrieve any other files manually. "dselect" will automatically retrieve and install the rest of Debian 1.3 for you. If you upgrade from Debian 1.1 or earlier on a system where Debian 1.2 has never been installed, you can expect to run dselect about 4 times to complete the installation. There will be a number of error messages leading to termination of "dselect", but these are an artifacts of the package order and your skipped upgrade to 1.3, and can be safely ignored. --- Updates to version 1.3.1 As the need arises, we will update packages in Debian 1.3.1 and increment the last digit in the version number. There will always be a symbolic link, for example Debian-1.3.1.r3, in the top level indicating the latest version. The first line in the file ChangeLog also gives the latest version. The file ChangeLog lists all changes to Debian 1.3.1 - the updated files and the reasons for the change. The simplest way to upgrade is to use the ftp method of dpkg to fetch the updated packages automatically. If you wish to download the new files by hand, simply extract them from the ChangeLog with this command: grep '^stable' ChangeLog The directory ../bo-updates contains potential fixes to 1.3.1, files that may become part of the next version of 1.3.1. They are placed there so that they may be well tested before final inclusion.