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WARNING: Caches not enabled egiga0Err..%s could not read PHY dev address 88E1116 Initialized on %s Warning: Your board does not use generic board. Please read doc/README.generic-board and take action. Boards not upgraded by the late 2014 may break or be removed. %s - %s Usage: %s - No additional help available. %-*s- %s Unknown command '%s' - try 'help' without arguments for list of all known commands DockStar> ...Unknown command '%s' - try 'help' 'bootd' recursion detected Command '%s' failed: Error %d %s for %08lx ... %08lx ==> CRC32 for %08lx ... %08lx ==> %08lx crc32** Too many args (max. %d) ** ## Command too long! ## Error: "%s" not defined %.*s%*sCksumxyzModem - %s mode, %d(SOH)/%d(STX)/%d(CAN) packets, %d retries Unknown errorBlock sequence errorCRC/checksum errorInvalid framingCancelledEnd of fileTimed outSorry, zModem not available yetCan't access file Loading from %s device %d, partition %d: Name: %.32s Type: %.32s ** Read error on %d:%d ** Bad Header Checksum ** ** Unknown image type bootdelaybootcmdHit any key to stop autoboot: %2d %2d ## Starting application at 0x%08lX ... ## Application terminated, rc = 0x%lX resetPerform RESET of the CPUgostart application at address 'addr'addr [arg ...] - start application at address 'addr' passing 'arg' as argumentsTrying to execute a command out of order ## Checking Image at %08lx ... Legacy image found Bad Magic Number Bad Header Checksum Verifying Checksum ... Bad Data CRC OK Unknown image format! autostartyesAutomatic boot of image at addr 0x%08lX ... iminfoprint header information for application imageaddr [addr ...] - print header information for application image starting at address 'addr' in memory; this includes verification of the image contents (magic number, header and payload checksums)bootdboot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'bootmboot application image from memoryloadosramdiskcmdlinebdtprepfakeRamdisk image is corrupt or invalid verify## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at %08lx ... Unsupported Architecture 0x%x Wrong Image Type for %s command Wrong Image Format for %s command ERROR: can't get kernel image! ERROR: unknown image format type! Could not find kernel entry point! XIP %s ... Loading %s ... Uncompressing %s ... GUNZIP: uncompress, out-of-mem or overwrite error - must RESET board to recover LZO: uncompress or overwrite error %d - must RESET board to recover Unimplemented compression type %d WARNING: legacy format multi component image overwritten ERROR: new format image overwritten - must RESET the board to recover initrd_startinitrd_endERROR: booting os '%s' (%d) is not supported subcommand not supported ## Transferring control to RTEMS (at address %08lx) ... confaddr## Transferring control to Plan 9 (at address %08lx) ... nofilesize## Transferring control to NetBSD stage-2 loader (at address %08lx) ... ## Starting vxWorks at 0x%08lx ## vxWorks terminated alias for 'help'helpprint command description/usage - print brief description of all commands help command ... - print detailed usage of 'command' %s gcc (Debian 4.9.2-10) 4.9.2 GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Debian) 2.25 print monitor, compiler and linker version.callbacks:callbacks,.flags:flags,baudrate:baudrate,bootfile:bootfile,loadaddr:loadaddr,stdin:console,stdout:console,stderr:console,.callbacksethaddr:ma,## Warning: Unknown environment variable type '%c' ## Warning: Unknown environment variable access method '%c' .flags## Error: flags type check failure for "%s" <= "%s" (type: %c) ## Error: Can't delete "%s" ## Error: Can't overwrite "%s" oldval: %s defval: %s ## Error: Can't create "%s" FAILED! Erasing %s... NANDWriting to %s... !readenv() failedBad magic number Bad header crc Bad data crc Bad image type Empty Script Wrong image format for "source" command ## Executing script at %08lx sourcerun script from memory%-12s= 0x%08lX (not set)arch_numberboot_paramsDRAM bank-> start-> sizeeth%dname = %s eth%iaddrethaddr%-12s= %s current eth = %s ipaddrip_addr = %s baudrate = %u bps TLB addrrelocaddrreloc offirq_spsp start bdinfoprint Board Info structureList of available devices: %-8s %08x %c%c%c coninfoprint console devices and information\cecho args to console[args..] - echo args to console; \c suppresses newlineext2loadload binary file from a Ext2 filesystem [ [addr [filename [bytes [pos]]]]] - load binary file 'filename' from 'dev' on 'interface' to address 'addr' from ext2 filesystem.ext2lslist files in a directory (default /) [directory] - list files from 'dev' on 'interface' in a 'directory'usage: fatinfo [] ** Unable to use %s %d:%d for fatinfo ** fatinfoprint information about filesystem [] - print information about filesystem from 'dev' on 'interface'fatls [] [directory] - list files from 'dev' on 'interface' in a 'directory'fatloadload binary file from a dos filesystem [ [ [ [bytes [pos]]]]] - Load binary file 'filename' from 'dev' on 'interface' to address 'addr' from dos filesystem. 'pos' gives the file position to start loading from. If 'pos' is omitted, 0 is used. 'pos' requires 'bytes'. 'bytes' gives the size to load. If 'bytes' is 0 or omitted, the load stops on end of file. If either 'pos' or 'bytes' are not aligned to ARCH_DMA_MINALIGN then a misaligned buffer warning will be printed and performance will suffer for the load.fatsizedetermine a file's size - Find file 'filename' from 'dev' on 'interface' and determine its size.Unknown operator '%s' Invalid data width specifier itestreturn true/false on integer compare[.b, .w, .l, .s] [*]value1 [*]value2-lt<-gt-eq==-ne!=<>-ge>=-le<=noronenandinvalid partition number %d for device %s%d (%s) uImagebootfile### %s loading '%s' to 0x%lx JFFS2### %s load complete: %d bytes loaded to 0x%lx ### %s LOAD ERROR<%x> for %s! /### filesystem type is %s fsinfoprint information about filesystems[ directory ]load binary file from a filesystem image[ off ] [ filename ] - load binary file from flash bank with offset 'off'## Total Size = 0x%08x = %d Bytes ## First Load Addr = 0x%08lX ## Last Load Addr = 0x%08lX ## Total Size = 0x%08lX = %ld Bytes loads_echo## Ready for S-Record download ... ## S-Record download aborted ## Start Addr = 0x%08lX ## Switch baudrate to %d bps and press ENTER ... loady## Ready for binary (ymodem) download to 0x%08lX at %d bps... loadx## Ready for binary (xmodem) download to 0x%08lX at %d bps... ## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x%08lX at %d bps... ## Binary (kermit) download aborted ## Switch baudrate to %d bps and press ESC ... load binary file over serial line (ymodem mode)[ off ] [ baud ] - load binary file over serial line with offset 'off' and baudrate 'baud'load binary file over serial line (xmodem mode)loadbload binary file over serial line (kermit mode)loadsload S-Record file over serial line[ off ] - load S-Record file over serial line with offset 'off'double wordbytehalfword%s at 0x%08lx (%#0*lx) != %s at 0x%08lx (%#0*lx) Total of %ld %s(s) were the same Base Address: 0x%08lx Zero length ??? %08lx: %08x %04x %02x ? loopinfinite loop on address range[.b, .w, .l] address number_of_objectsbaseprint or set address offset - print address offset for memory commands base off - set address offset for memory commands to 'off'checksum calculationaddress count [addr] - compute CRC32 checksum [save at addr]cmpmemory compare[.b, .w, .l] addr1 addr2 countmemory copy[.b, .w, .l] source target countmwmemory write (fill)[.b, .w, .l] address value [count]nmmemory modify (constant address)[.b, .w, .l] addressmmmemory modify (auto-incrementing address)memory display[.b, .w, .l] address [# of objects]NULL device name! BUG: failure at %s:%d/%s()! /build/u-boot-Ys1mTE/u-boot-2014.10+dfsg1/common/miiphyutil.cBUG!miiphy_register: non unique device name '%s' miiphy_register: cannot allocate memory for '%s' mdio_register: non unique device name '%s' %s: %d - %s <--> %s No such device: %s %s is not a known ethernet MII devices: '%s' Current device: '%s' PHY reset timed out PHY speedPHY AN speed read failed, assuming 10BASE-T PHY duplexPHY AN duplex read failed, assuming half duplex MII_BMSR read failed, assuming no link FDXHDX10100fullhalfIEEE 802.3???IEEE 802.9 ISLAN-16TPHY 0x%02X: OUI = 0x%04X, Model = 0x%02X, Rev = 0x%02X, %3dbase%s, %s Error reading from the PHY addr=%02x reg=%02x addr=%02x reg=%02x data=%04X Error writing to the PHY addr=%02x reg=%02x duThe MII dump command only formats the standard MII registers, 0-5. %u. (%04hx) -- %s -- (%04hx:%04x) %u.%2u,%2u = b%u%u speed selection = %s Mbps%2u = %5u duplex = %s%2u-%2u = %5u selector = %s%2u-%2u = %u selector = %s%2u %2u-%2u = %5u %smiiMII utility commandsdevice - list available devices mii device - set current device mii info - display MII PHY info mii read - read MII PHY register mii write - write MII PHY register mii dump - pretty-print (0-5 only) Addr and/or reg may be ranges, e.g. 2-7.next page ableacknowledgeremote fault(reserved)asymmetric pause able100BASE-T4 able100BASE-X full duplex able100BASE-TX able10BASE-T full duplex able10BASE-T ablexxx to doasymmetric pausepause enable100BASE-TX full duplex able10BASE-T full duplex able10BASE-T ableOUI portionmanufacturer part numbermanufacturer rev. number100BASE-X full duplex able100BASE-X half duplex able10 Mbps full duplex able10 Mbps half duplex able100BASE-T2 full duplex able100BASE-T2 half duplex ableextended statusMF preamble suppressionA/N completeA/N ablelink statusjabber detectextended capabilitiesloopbackspeed selectionA/N enablepower-downisolaterestart A/Ncollision test enablePHY control registerPHY status registerPHY ID 1 registerPHY ID 2 registerAutonegotiation advertisement registerAutonegotiation partner abilities registersleepdelay execution for some timeN - delay execution for N seconds (N is _decimal_ !!!)%llug%llum%lluk%llumtddevnummtddevname%s%d,%dcannot add second partition at offset 0 mtdparts=mtdparts%s%dDevice %s not found! %s: offset %08llx beyond flash size %08llx %s%d: partition (%s) size too big %s: partitioning exceeds flash size %s%d: partition (%s) start offsetalignment incorrect %s%d: partition (%s) size alignment incorrect %s%d: partition (%s) start offset alignment incorrect partition size too small (%llx) no closing ) found in partition name empty partition name no partitions allowed after a fill-up partition unexpected character '%c' at the end of partition out of memory 0x%08llx@0x%08llxno partitions for device %s%d (%s) unexpected character '%c' at the end of device invalid mtd device '%.*s' incorrect device type in %s incorrect device number in %s no partition number specified unexpected trailing character '%c' no such device %s%d no such partition mtdidsmtdids not defined, no default present mtdids too long (> %d) mtdparts variable not set, see 'help mtdparts' mtdparts too long (> %d) mtdids: incorrect mtdids: no identifier device id %s%d redefined, please correct mtdids variable could not initialise device list mtdparts variable doesn't start with 'mtdparts=' device %s%d redefined, please correct mtdparts variable mtdparts_init: no valid partitions no partition id specified partition changed to %s%d,%d defaultdelall device %s%d <%s>, # parts = %d #: name size offset mask_flags %2d: %-20s0x%08llx 0x%08llx %d no partitions defined active partition: %s%d,%d - (%s) 0x%08llx @ 0x%08llx could not get current partition info defaults: mtdids : %s nonemtdparts: addtoo long partition description %s:%s(%s)%sgenerated mtdparts too long, resetting to null delcurrent partition deleted, resetting current to 0 partition %s not found no such device %s defined in mtdids variable define flash/nand partitionschpartchange active partitionpart-id - change active partition (e.g. part-id = nand0,1)No such device Device %d: %s... is now current device %dx %s, sector size %u KiB Page size %8d b OOB size %8d b Erase size %8d b nand_writesizenand_oobsizenand_erasesizenot a NAND device Offset exceeds device limit '%s' is not a number Size exceeds partition or device limit device %d whole chip offset 0x%llx, size 0x%llx ERROROKwritewrittenquietdump no devices available Device %d bad blocks: %08llx erasescrubclean-y.spread.part.chip NAND %s: Warning: scrub option will erase all factory set bad blocks! There is no reliable way to recover them. Use this command only for testing purposes if you are sure of what you are doing! Really scrub this NAND flash? scrub aborted .oobNo memory for page buffer Error (%d) reading page %08lx Page %08lx dump: OOB: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x .rawsize adjusted to 0x%llx (%d bad blocks) .jffs2.e.i%s: error at offset %llx, ret %d Unknown nand command suffix '%s'. %zu bytes %s: %s markbadblock 0x%08lx NOT marked as bad! ERROR %d block 0x%08lx successfully marked as bad biterrUnknown nand load suffix '%s' Loading from %s, offset 0x%lx ** Read error Not a NAND device bootdevice ** No boot device ** ** Device %d not available nbootboot from NAND device[partition] | [[[loadAddr] dev] offset]NAND sub-systemgatewayipnetmaskhostnamerootpathserveripdnsipdomainping failed; host %s is not alive host %s is alive pingsend ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hostpingAddressnfsboot image via network using NFS protocol[loadAddress] [[hostIPaddr:]bootfilename]dhcpboot image via network using DHCP/TFTP protocoltftpbootboot image via network using TFTP protocolbootpboot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP protocolVolume %s not found! Couldnt or partially wrote data size > volume size! Aborting! Cannot start volume update updatingdamaged volume, update marker is setNo size specified -> Using max size (%lld) read from corrupted volume %dNO MEM read err %x Error initializing mtdparts! Partition %s not found! Partition %s not found on device %s! mtd=%dmtd=%d,%sUBI init error %d dynamicstaticError, no UBI device/partition selected! Device %d: %s, partition %s Error, no volume name passed createIncorrect type No space left in UBI device! Name too long! verify_mkvol_req failed %d Creating %s volume %s of size %lld removeRemove UBI volume %s (id %d) It's read-only mode Error changing Vol tabel record err=%x UBI: reserve more %d PEBs Please see usage %lld bytes written to volume %s Read %lld bytes from volume %s to %lx UBI: MTD device name: "%s" UBI: MTD device size: %llu MiB UBI: physical eraseblock size: %d bytes (%d KiB) UBI: logical eraseblock size: %d bytes UBI: number of good PEBs: %d UBI: number of bad PEBs: %d UBI: smallest flash I/O unit: %d UBI: VID header offset: %d (aligned %d) UBI: data offset: %d UBI: max. allowed volumes: %d UBI: wear-leveling threshold: %d UBI: number of internal volumes: %d UBI: number of user volumes: %d UBI: available PEBs: %d UBI: total number of reserved PEBs: %d UBI: number of PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: %d UBI: max/mean erase counter: %d/%d ubiubi commandspart [part] [offset] - Show or set current partition (with optional VID header offset) ubi info [l[ayout]] - Display volume and ubi layout information ubi check volumename - check if volumename exists ubi create[vol] volume [size] [type] - create volume name with size ubi write[vol] address volume size - Write volume from address with size ubi write.part address volume size [fullsize] - Write part of a volume from address ubi read[vol] address volume [size] - Read volume to address with size ubi remove[vol] volume - Remove volume [Legends] volume: character name size: specified in bytes type: s[tatic] or d[ynamic] (default=dynamic)UBIFS not mounted, use ubifsmount to mount volume first! ** File not found %s ** UBIFS not mounted, use ubifs mount to mount volume first! Unmounting UBIFS volume %s! No UBIFS volume mounted! ubifsloadload file from an UBIFS filesystem [bytes] - load file 'filename' to address 'addr'ubifslslist files in a directory[directory] - list files in a 'directory' (default '/')ubifsumountunmount UBIFS volume - unmount current volumeubifsmount - mount 'volume-name' volumeSee InterfaceAudioCommunicationHuman InterfacePrinterMass StorageHubCDC DataVendor specificHuman Interface, Subclass: NoneBoot KeyboardMousereservedMass Storage, RBC SFF-8020i (ATAPI)QIC-157 (Tape)UFISFF-8070Transp. SCSICommand/BulkCommand/Bulk/IntBulk only12 Mb/s+- %s (%s, %dmA) %s %s %s %s String: "%s"Self Powered Bus Powered Remote Wakeup InOut Configuration: %d - Interfaces: %d %s%s%dmA Interface: %d - Alternate Setting %d, Endpoints: %d - Class - - Endpoint %d %s ControlIsochronousInterrupt MaxPacket %d Interval %dmsusb%d: %s, USB Revision %x.%x - %s %s %s - Class: - Class: (from Interface) %s - PacketSize: %d Configurations: %d - Vendor: 0x%04x Product 0x%04x Version %d.%d (Re)start USB... stopserialstopping USB.. USB is stopped. Please issue 'usb start' first. treeUSB device tree: infconfig for device %d *** No device available *** Device %d does not exist. Device is no hub or does not have %d ports. Setting Test_J modeSetting Test_K modeSetting Test_SE0_NAK modeSetting Test_Packet modeSetting Test_Force_Enable modeUnrecognized test mode: %s Available modes: J, K, S[E0_NAK], P[acket], F[orce_Enable] on downstream facing port %d... on upstream facing port... Error during SET_FEATURE. Test mode successfully set. Use 'usb start' to return to normal operation. stor no USB devices available no current device selected USB read: device %d block # %ld, count %ld ... %ld blocks read: %s USB write: device %d block # %ld, count %ld ... %ld blocks write: %s dev USB device %d: unknown device Device %d: 1.5 Mb/s480 Mb/s5 Gb/susbbootboot from USB deviceloadAddr dev:partUSB sub-systemstart - start (scan) USB controller usb reset - reset (rescan) USB controller usb stop [f] - stop USB [f]=force stop usb tree - show USB device tree usb info [dev] - show available USB devices usb test [dev] [port] [mode] - set USB 2.0 test mode (specify port 0 to indicate the device's upstream port) Available modes: J, K, S[E0_NAK], P[acket], F[orce_Enable] usb storage - show details of USB storage devices usb dev [dev] - show or set current USB storage device usb part [dev] - print partition table of one or all USB storage devices usb read addr blk# cnt - read `cnt' blocks starting at block `blk#' to memory address `addr' usb write addr blk# cnt - write `cnt' blocks starting at block `blk#' from memory address `addr'failed to stop USB controller %d unable to get descriptor, error %lX config descriptor too short (expected %i, got %i) %s: failed to get descriptor - too long: %d selecting invalid interface %dERROR, too many USB Devices, max=%d Cannot allocate device context to get SLOT_ID usb_new_device:cannot locate device's port. Couldn't reset port %i USB device not accepting new address (error=%lX) unable to get device descriptor (error=%d) USB device descriptor short read (expected %i, got %i) usb_new_device: Cannot read configuration, skipping device %04x:%04x ERROR: NOT USB_CONFIG_DESC %x ERROR: Invalid USB CFG length (%d) ERROR: Invalid USB IF length (%d) USB IF descriptor overflowed buffer! Too many USB interfaces! ERROR: Invalid USB EP length (%d) USB EP descriptor overflowed buffer! Endpoint descriptor out of order! Interface %d has too many endpoints! ERROR: Invalid USB EPC length (%d) USB EPC descriptor overflowed buffer! EPC descriptor out of order! failed to set default configuration len %d, status %lX USB%d: scanning bus %d for devices... %d USB Device(s) found No USB Device found lowlevel init failed Port not available. USB error: all controllers failed lowlevel init cannot reset port %i!? ERROR: USB_MAX_HUB (%d) reached Did not get interrupt on CBI cmd 0x%02X returned 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X (NOT READY) cmd 0x%02X returned 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X No storage devices, perhaps not 'usb start'ed..? USB Storage Transport unknown / not yet implemented Sorry, protocol %d not yet supported. error in inquiry Device NOT ready Request Sense returned %02X %02X %02X READ_CAP ERROR scanning usb for storage devices... max USB Storage Device reached: %d stopping %d Storage Device(s) found ## Copying part %d from legacy image at %08lx ... Must specify load address for %s command with compressed image Bad Image Part Invalid image type for imxtract Loading part %d ... Uncompressing part %d ... GUNZIP ERROR - image not loaded fileaddrimxtractextract a part of a multi-imageSaving Environment to %s... %s=%s ## Error: cannot export environment Environment size: %d/%ld bytes ## Warning: defaulting to text format ## Error: external checksum format must pass size ## Info: input data size = %zu = 0x%zX ## Error: bad CRC, import failed ERROR: Environment import failed: errno = %d at %s:%d/%s() /build/u-boot-Ys1mTE/u-boot-2014.10+dfsg1/common/cmd_nvedit.c## %s: only one of "-b", "-c" or "-t" allowed ## Warning: Input data exceeds %d bytes - truncated ## Resetting to default environment ## Error: illegal character '='in variable name "%s" ## Can't malloc %d bytes ## Error inserting "%s" variable, errno=%d setenv%lxERROR: Cannot export environment: errno = %d at %s:%d/%s() %zXenv_buf [%d bytes] too small for value of "%s" edit: runrun commands in an environment variablevar [...] - run the commands in the environment variable(s) 'var'set environment variables[-f] name value ... - [forcibly] set environment variable 'name' to 'value ...' setenv [-f] name - [forcibly] delete environment variable 'name'printenvprint environment variables[-a] - print [all] values of all environment variables printenv name ... - print value of environment variable 'name'editenvedit environment variablename - edit environment variable 'name'environment handling commandsdeleteeditexportimportprintsavesaveenvsave environment variables to persistent storage*** Warning - %s, using default environment Using default environment /build/u-boot-Ys1mTE/u-boot-2014.10+dfsg1/common/env_common.c!bad CRCERROR: Cannot import environment: errno = %d at %s:%d/%s() !import failedy Y yes YES stdinstdoutstderrIn: No input devices available! Out: No output devices available! Err: No error devices available! bootm_lowbootm_sizebootm_mapsize%d Bytes = Unknown OSUnknown ArchitectureUnknown ImageUnknown Compression%sImage Name: %.*s %sImage Type: %s %s %s (%s) %sData Size: %sLoad Address: %08x %sEntry Point: %08x %sContents: %s Image %d: %s Offset = 0x%08lx ## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at %08lx ... No Linux %s Ramdisk Image Wrong Ramdisk Image Format ## Loading init Ramdisk from multi component Legacy Image at %08lx ... initrd_highramdisk - allocation error Loading Ramdisk to %08lx, end %08lx ... uncompressedbzip2bzip2 compressedgzipgzip compressedlzmalzma compressedlzolzo compressedaisimageDavinci AIS imageFilesystem ImagefirmwareFirmwareflat_dtFlat Device TreegpimageTI Keystone SPL ImagekernelKernel Imagekernel_noloadKernel Image (no loading done)kwbimageKirkwood Boot ImageimximageFreescale i.MX Boot ImageInvalid ImagemultiMulti-File ImageomapimageTI OMAP SPL With GP CHpblimageFreescale PBL Boot ImageRAMDisk ImagescriptScriptsocfpgaimageAltera SOCFPGA preloaderstandaloneStandalone ProgramublimageDavinci UBL imagemxsimageFreescale MXS Boot ImageatmelimageATMEL ROM-Boot ImageInvalid OSlinuxLinuxnetbsdNetBSDoseEnea OSEplan9Plan 9rtemsRTEMSu-bootU-BootvxworksVxWorksInvalid ARCHalphaAlphaarmARMIntel x86ia64IA64m68kM68KmicroblazeMicroBlazemipsmips64MIPS 64 Bitnios2NIOS IIpowerpcPowerPCppcs390IBM S390shSuperHsparcSPARCsparc64SPARC 64 BitblackfinBlackfinavr32AVR32nds32NDS32or1kOpenRISC 1000sandboxSandboxarm64AArch64 Partition Map for IDESATAATAPIUSBDOCMMCHOSTUNKNOWN device %d -- Partition Type: %s (%d:%d) Vendor: %s Prod.: %s Rev: %s Model: %s Firm: %s Ser#: %s Vendor: %s Rev: %s Prod: %s device type DOC device type unknown Unhandled device type: %i Type: Removable Hard DiskCD ROMOptical DeviceTape# %02X # Capacity: %ld.%ld MB = %ld.%ld GB (%ld x %ld) Capacity: not available DOSISO## Unknown partition table ** Bad device specification %s %s ** ** Bad HW partition specification %s %s ** ** Bad device %s %s ** hostfsSandbox host** No device specified ** auto** Bad partition specification %s %s ** ** Bad device size - %s %s ** ** No partition table - %s %s ** Whole Disk** Invalid partition %d ** ** No valid partitions found ** ** Invalid partition type "%.32s" (expect "U-Boot") FAT32FAT Extd Boot** Can't read partition table on %d:%d ** bad MBR sector signature 0x%02x%02x %3d %-10d %-10d %08x-%02x %02x%s%s hd%c%dsd%c%dusbd%c%ddocd%c%dxx%c%dPart Start Sector Num Sectors UUID Type ** First descriptor is NOT a primary desc on %d:%d ** CD001** Wrong ISO Ident: %s on %d:%d ** EL TORITO SPECIFICATION** No valid boot catalog found on %d:%d ** ** Wrong El Torito ident: %s on %d:%d ** ** Can't read Boot Entry at %lX on %d:%d ** ** Checksum Error in booting catalog validation entry on %d:%d ** ** Key 0x55 0xAA error on %d:%d ** ** Partition %d not found on device %d ** ** Partition %d is not bootable on device %d ** ** No boot partition found on device %d ** Part Start Sect x Size Type %2d %lu %lu %6ld %.32s Removing MTD device #%d (%s) with use count %d U-Boot BUG at %s:%d! /build/u-boot-Ys1mTE/u-boot-2014.10+dfsg1/drivers/mtd/mtdcore.c%s: unlock failed, writes may not work memory allocation error while creating partitions for "%s" mtd: partition "%s" is out of reach -- disabled mtd: partition "%s" extends beyond the end of device "%s" -- size truncated to %#llx /build/u-boot-Ys1mTE/u-boot-2014.10+dfsg1/drivers/mtd/mtdpart.cmtd: partition "%s" doesn't start on an erase block boundary -- force read-only mtd: partition "%s" doesn't end on an erase block -- force read-only nand%d%lu MiB /build/u-boot-Ys1mTE/u-boot-2014.10+dfsg1/drivers/mtd/nand/nand_bbt.cToshibaSamsungFujitsuNationalRenesasST MicroHynixMicronAMD/SpansionMacronixEonSanDiskIntelUnknownTC58NVG2S0F 4G 3.3V 8-bitTC58NVG3S0F 8G 3.3V 8-bitTC58NVG5D2 32G 3.3V 8-bitTC58NVG6D2 64G 3.3V 8-bitSDTNRGAMA 64G 3.3V 8-bitNAND 4MiB 5V 8-bitNAND 4MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 8MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 16MiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 16MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 16MiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 16MiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 32MiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 32MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 32MiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 32MiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 64MiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 64MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 64MiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 64MiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 128MiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 128MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 128MiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 128MiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 256MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 256MiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 256MiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 256MiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 512MiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 512MiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 512MiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 512MiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 1GiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 1GiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 1GiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 1GiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 2GiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 2GiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 2GiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 2GiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 4GiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 4GiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 4GiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 4GiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 8GiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 8GiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 8GiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 8GiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 16GiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 16GiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 16GiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 16GiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 32GiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 32GiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 32GiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 32GiB 3,3V 16-bitNAND 64GiB 1,8V 8-bitNAND 64GiB 3,3V 8-bitNAND 64GiB 1,8V 16-bitNAND 64GiB 3,3V 16-bitAttempt to erase non block-aligned data Size of erase exceeds limit Skipping bad block at 0x%08llx %s: MTD get bad block failed: %d %s: MTD Erase failure: %d %s: MTD writeoob failure: %d Erasing at 0x%llx -- %3d%% complete. Cleanmarker written at 0x%llx.Attempt to write non page-aligned data Attempt to write outside the flash area Size of write exceeds partition or device limit NAND write to offset %llx failed %d Skip bad block 0x%08llx Attempt to read non page-aligned data Attempt to read outside the flash area Size of read exceeds partition or device limit NAND read from offset %llx failed %d Skipping bad block 0x%08llx /build/u-boot-Ys1mTE/u-boot-2014.10+dfsg1/drivers/mtd/nand/nand_base.cWARNING in %s line %d /build/u-boot-Ys1mTE/u-boot-2014.10+dfsg1/drivers/mtd/ubi/attach.cUBI: "delete" compatible internal volume %d:%d found, will remove it UBI: read-only compatible internal volume %d:%d found, switch to read-only mode UBI: "preserve" compatible internal volume %d:%d found UBI: scanning is finished UBI: empty MTD device detected UBI: attaching mtd%d to ubi%d UBI: MTD device %d is write-protected, attach in read-only mode ubi%dUBI: volume %d ("%s") re-sized from %d to %d LEBs UBI: attached mtd%d (name "%s", size %llu MiB) to ubi%d UBI: PEB size: %d bytes (%d KiB), LEB size: %d bytes UBI: min./max. I/O unit sizes: %d/%d, sub-page size %d UBI: VID header offset: %d (aligned %d), data offset: %d UBI: good PEBs: %d, bad PEBs: %d, corrupted PEBs: %d UBI: user volume: %d, internal volumes: %d, max. volumes count: %d UBI: max/mean erase counter: %d/%d, WL threshold: %d, image sequence number: %u UBI: available PEBs: %d, total reserved PEBs: %d, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: %d UBI: detaching mtd%d from ubi%d UBI: mtd%d is detached from ubi%d /build/u-boot-Ys1mTE/u-boot-2014.10+dfsg1/drivers/mtd/ubi/vtbl.cUBI: volume table was restored layout volumeUBI: finish volume %d removal UBI: force data checking UBI: recover PEB %d, move data to PEB %d UBI: data was successfully recovered UBI: try again UBI: try another PEB UBI: fixable bit-flip detected at PEB %d UBI: hex dump of the %d-%d region UBI: data differ at position %d UBI: hex dump of the original buffer from %d to %d UBI: hex dump of the read buffer from %d to %d UBI: run torture test for PEB %d UBI: PEB %d passed torture test, do not mark it as bad UBI: mark PEB %d as bad UBI: %d PEBs left in the reserve UBI: scrubbed PEB %d (LEB %d:%d), data moved to PEB %d UBI: schedule PEB %d for scrubbing UBI: background thread "%s" started, PID %d UBI: %s: %d consecutive failures ubi_bgt%ddUBI: reserved more %d PEBs for bad PEB handling UBI: dumping %d bytes of data from PEB %d, offset %d Volume information dump: vol_id %d reserved_pebs %d alignment %d data_pad %d vol_type %d name_len %d usable_leb_size %d used_ebs %d used_bytes %lld last_eb_bytes %d corrupted %d upd_marker %d name %s 1st 5 characters of name: %c%c%c%c%c Err..(%s) Dropping packet spread on multiple descriptors Err..(%s) Dropping packet with errors Err..(%s) Invalid phy address Err..(%s) Invalid register offset Err..(%s) SMI busy timeout Err..(%s) Invalid PHY address %d Err..(%s) Invalid register offset %d Err..(%s) SMI read ready timeout Non-aligned data too large (%d) Err..(%s) in xmit packet No link on %s Err.. %s Failed to allocate memory egiga%dncipncoutportncinportncCannot find console ## Baudrate %d bps not supported ## Baudrate may not be deleted EHCI failed to shut down host controller. out of buffer pointers (%u bytes left) unable to allocate TDs unable to construct SETUP TD unable to construct DATA TD EHCI fail timeout STS_ASS set EHCI timed out on TD - token=%#x EHCI fail timeout STS_ASS reset EHCI failed: timeout when disabling periodic list EHCI failed: timeout when enabling periodic list port(%d) reset error EHCI fail to reset USB EHCI %x.%02x Timeout destroying interrupt endpoint queue %s: Interrupt transfers requiring several transactions are not supported. Timeout poll on interrupt endpoint ** Unrecognized filesystem type ** ** Unable to read file %s ** ** Unable to write file %s ** ** No boot file defined ** %d bytes read in %lu ms (%d bytes written in %lu ms** Can not find directory. ** ** Cannot support non-zero offset ** Extent Error ** SI ext2fs read block (indir 1)malloc failed. ** ** SI ext2fs read block (indir 1):malloc failed. ** ** SI ext2fs read block (indir 1)failed. ** ** DI ext2fs read block (indir 2 1)malloc failed. ** ** DI ext2fs read block (indir 2 1)failed. ** ** DI ext2fs read block (indir 2 2)malloc failed. ** ** DI ext2fs read block (indir 2 2)failed. ** ** TI ext2fs read block (indir 2 1)malloc failed. ** ** TI ext2fs read block (indir 2 1)failed. ** ** TI ext2fs read block (indir 2 2)malloc failed. ** ** TI ext2fs read block (indir 2 2)failed. ** invalid extent block < ? > %10d %s Failed to mount ext2 filesystem... %s read outside partition %lu ** ext2fs_devread() read error ** ** %s read error - block * %s read error - last part FAT: Misaligned buffer address (%p) FAT32 FAT12 FAT16 Invalid FAT entry U** Partition %d not valid on device %d ** Error: FAT sector size mismatch (fs=%hu, dev=%lu) %s%c %8ld %s%c %d file(s), %d dir(s) Error reading cluster No current device Interface: Device %d: No valid FAT fs found Filesystem: %s "%s" reading %s Can't list files without a filesystem! %s/%sCan't load file without a filesystem! add_node: malloc failed add_node failed! get_fl_mem: unknown device type, using raw offset! ** ERROR ** %*.*s%s %08x has dup version =find_inode failed for name=xwr%.3s %.3s %.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d %d %s %8ld %s %s -> Scanning JFFS2 FS: offset %08x already seen, skip . OOPS Cleanmarker has bad size %d != %zu OOPS Padding has bad size %d < %zu Unknown node type: %x len %d offset 0x%x  done. %s: Failed to scan JFFSv2 file structure ls: Failed to scan jffs2 file structure load: Failed to find inode has dup version (resolve) = load: Failed to resolve inode structure UNKNOWN COMPRESSION METHOD = load: Failed to read inode Compression: %s frag count: %d compressed sum: %d uncompressed sum: %d NONEZERORTIMERUBINMIPSCOPYDYNRUBINZLIB%s: Error, no memory for malloc! Symlink recursion, aborting other %s: Error in ubifs_iget(), ino=%lld ret=%p! %9lld %24.24s %s: Error reading inode %ld! Loading file '%s' to addr 0x%08x with size %d (0x%08x)... %s: Error, malloc fails! Error reading file '%s' Done zlibdeflateUBIFS: only ro mode in U-Boot allowed. ubifs_bgt%d_%dError reading superblock on volume '%s' errno=%d! ubifsNo UBIFS filesystem found! /build/u-boot-Ys1mTE/u-boot-2014.10+dfsg1/fs/ubifs/tnc.cunknown/invalid key(%lu, %s)(%lu, %s, %#08x)(%lu, %s, %u)(bad key type: %#08x, %#08x)bad key format %dunknown nodeunknown commit stateunknown journal head0 (GC)1 (base)2 (data)commit restingbackground commit requestedcommit requiredBACKGROUND commit runningcommit running and requiredbroken commitinode nodedata nodedirentry nodexentry nodetruncate nodepadding nodesuperblock nodemaster nodereference nodeindexing nodecommit start nodeorphan nodeinodedatadirentryxentrytruncateinvalid distance too far backinvalid distance codeinvalid literal/length codeincorrect header checkunknown compression methodinvalid window sizeunknown header flags setheader crc mismatchinvalid block typeinvalid stored block lengthstoo many length or distance symbolsinvalid code lengths setinvalid bit length repeatinvalid literal/lengths setinvalid distances setincorrect data checkincorrect length checkneed dictionarystream endfile errorstream errordata errorinsufficient memorybuffer errorincompatible version1.2.3Error: inflateInit2() returned %d Error: inflate() returned %d Error: Bad gzipped data Error: gunzip out of data in header initcall sequence %p failed at call %p ERROR: Failed to allocate 0x%lx bytes below 0x%lx. .%03ldlist passed to list_sort() too long for efficiency ## ERROR: unsupported match method: 0x%02x Env export buffer too small: %zu, but need %zu himport_r: can't insert "%s=%s" into hash table WARNING: '%s' neither in running nor in imported env! WARNING: '%s' not in imported env, deleting it! %llu Bytes%s%lu.%ld %ciB%s %0*x### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ### %s:%u: %s: Assertion `%s' failed.%*llu## Warning: gatewayip needed but not set ARP Retry count exceeded; starting again bad length %d < %d *** WARNING: %s is too long (%d - max: %d) - truncated Host NameRoot PathOpt Boot File*** WARNING: using vendor optional boot file *** Unhandled DHCP Option in OFFER/ACK: %d DHCP client bound to address %pI4 (%lu ms) DHCP: INVALID STATE BOOTP broadcast %d Retry time exceeded; starting again ethact%pM%s%daddr%saddr/build/u-boot-Ys1mTE/u-boot-2014.10+dfsg1/net/eth.ceth%dmacskipethmacskip Warning: %s MAC addresses don't match: Address in SROM is %pM Address in environment is %pM Warning: %s using MAC address from net device Error: %s address not set. Warning: %s failed to set MAC address Error: %s address %pM illegal value Board Net Initialization Failed CPU Net Initialization Failed Net Initialization Skipped ethprime [PRIME] Warning: eth device name has a space! ethethrotateunknownautoloadNFSnetretryonce ICMP Host Redirect to %pI4 %d.%d.%d.%dnvlan*** ERROR: ping address not given *** ERROR: `serverip' not set *** ERROR: `ipaddr' not set *** ERROR: No ethernet found. *** ERROR: `ethaddr' not set *** ERROR: `eth%daddr' not set Abort Bytes transferred = %ld (%lx hex) *** ERROR: Cannot mount *** ERROR: Cannot umount done *** ERROR: File lookup fail *** ERROR: Symlink fail Retry count exceeded; starting again T /nfsroot/%02X%02X%02X%02X.img*** Warning: no boot file name; using '%s' Using %s device File transfer via NFS from server %pI4; our IP address is %pI4; sending through gateway %pI4 Filename '%s/%s'. Size is 0x%x Bytes = Load address: 0x%lx Loading: *octetblksize%c%d%cFile too largeFile has bad magicblksize TFTP error: First block is not block 1 (%ld) Starting again TFTP error: '%s' (%d) Not retrying... %s; starting again Retry count exceededtftpblocksizetftptimeoutTFTP timeout (%ld ms) too low, set minimum = 1000 ms TFTP %s server %pI4; our IP address is %pI4fromFilename '%s'.Load address: 0x%lx raise: Signal # %d caught ( w U-Boot 2014.10+dfsg1-5 (Apr 07 2015 - 21:52:11) Seagate FreeAgent DockStar` ``X `[` `zb+a `$``[addr [arg ...]] - boot application image stored in memory passing arguments 'arg ...'; when booting a Linux kernel, 'arg' can be the address of an initrd image Sub-commands to do part of the bootm sequence. The sub-commands must be issued in the order below (it's ok to not issue all sub-commands): start [addr [arg ...]] loados - load OS image ramdisk - relocate initrd, set env initrd_start/initrd_end cmdline - OS specific command line processing/setup bdt - OS specific bd_t processing prep - OS specific prep before relocation or go go - start OSYdddkQdddrQdddzQd@ddQdddQdddQddd}NdddXd[addr] - run script starting at addr - A valid image header must be present@ - list partition table mtdparts delall - delete all partitions mtdparts del part-id - delete partition (e.g. part-id = nand0,1) mtdparts add [@] [] [ro] - add partition mtdparts default - reset partition table to defaults ----- this command uses three environment variables: 'partition' - keeps current partition identifier partition := := ,part_num 'mtdids' - linux kernel mtd device id <-> u-boot device id mapping mtdids=[,,...] := = := 'nand'|'nor'|'onenand' := mtd device number, 0... := unique device tag used by linux kernel to find mtd device (mtd->name) 'mtdparts' - partition list mtdparts=mtdparts=[;...] := :[,...] := unique device tag used by linux kernel to find mtd device (mtd->name) := [@][][] := standard linux memsize OR '-' to denote all remaining space := partition start offset within the device := '(' NAME ')' := when set to 'ro' makes partition read-only (not used, passed to kernel)info - show available NAND devices nand device [dev] - show or set current device nand read - addr off|partition size nand write - addr off|partition size read/write 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off' to/from memory address 'addr', skipping bad blocks. nand read.raw - addr off|partition [count] nand write.raw - addr off|partition [count] Use read.raw/write.raw to avoid ECC and access the flash as-is. nand erase[.spread] [clean] off size - erase 'size' bytes from offset 'off' With '.spread', erase enough for given file size, otherwise, 'size' includes skipped bad blocks. nand erase.part [clean] partition - erase entire mtd partition' nand erase.chip [clean] - erase entire chip' nand bad - show bad blocks nand dump[.oob] off - dump page nand scrub [-y] off size | scrub.part partition | scrub.chip really clean NAND erasing bad blocks (UNSAFE) nand markbad off [...] - mark bad block(s) at offset (UNSAFE) nand biterr off - make a bit error at offset (UNSAFE)addr part [dest] - extract from legacy image at and copy to default [-f] -a - [forcibly] reset default environment env default [-f] var [...] - [forcibly] reset variable(s) to their default values env delete [-f] var [...] - [forcibly] delete variable(s) env edit name - edit environment variable env export [-t | -b | -c] [-s size] addr [var ...] - export environment env import [-d] [-t [-r] | -b | -c] addr [size] - import environment env print [-a | name ...] - print environment env run var [...] - run commands in an environment variable env save - save environment env set [-f] name [arg ...] ydadddadddx!addd0adddhadddaddnd&`dd¤dPadd+dXaddX`dddd$d$d,d,d4d4d"d. 9dN 0PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~N()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?&eserial0@|b\}b}b}b|b|b)  @ @  8bbbbLbbbbbbbbb̨bb̔bԔbܔbbbbddwczdddd8bXdpcc3e3e egdpz`gdgdGZd_`NZdd^dB` QddQdB` QddBQdA`HQdHdd `dd{d`${d<{dhdy`hdhdZdxa`Zdd1dz`hdhdKd{`?hdThd/d`4ddcd4b`ZdZd6dx!a>dXd``ˤd|add[db`![dI[d[db`[d\d\d\c`\d\d]d,c`]d]d[]dDc`[da]d(`dc`0`dH`dPbd0i`Wbdd0dg`bdbd}NdXA`NdNdUdP`UdUdPdC`PdEPd4da=dd`d|f``dad fdn`fd~edCfdm`Ifdmfduddn`ed~ed0ddn`Ned~eddgd,w`igdgd[dh`[d{bdMdx`ididnd `nd-ndgid4}`jidRidsdX`{ddhdlv`hd idyad` dd܀d$`ddׁd$`ہdd.id<}`1idRiddp`dˁddadd``ldP`Udd^Nd`dNddnd&`rdd``ǤdPaϤdddXadd``,sdċ`2sdPsd=Yd_`DYd|ddd0`mdd҈d`ֈdd-d`7dZdd`dÌd=d4` dHdd0` d d֏d|`:dId dH`d(ddP`vVddFdzbadhc'Wd4T`Zd\*aWdTV`FdL8a````` `` `T ` `d `h `l ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `< `@ `D `H `L `P ` ```` ````````4`<``` ````` `$`(`,`0`P`p``````D`T`H`,`0`4`8````x`|````X`\```l`p`t`x`|`````````4 `8 `< `@ `D `H `L `P `T `X `\ `` `d `h `l `p `t `x `| `!`!`%`t%`x%`|%`%`'`'`'`(`|+`+`+`+`+`+`+`+`h2`l2`p2`t2`x2`|2`2`2`2`2`2`2`2`2`2`3`3`3`3`3`3`3`3`3`3`8` 8`$8`(8`,8`08`d:`h:`<` =`=`=`=`=`=`=`@` @`@`@`@``@`d@`h@`4A`8A`DA`A`A`B`B`B`B`C`C`C`C`C`C`C`C`8D`D`D`D`D`D`D`(E`L`L`L`L`L`L`L`L`L`L`L`M`M`M` M`M`M`M`M` M`$M`(M`,M`0M`4M`8M`