This directory provides installer images in the form of a device-specific
part (containing the partition table and the system firmware) and a
device-independent part (containing the actual installer), which can be
unpacked and concatenated together to build a complete installer image.

The device-specific part is named firmware.<board_name>.img.gz
and the device-independent part is named partition.img.gz.

To create a complete image from the two parts on Linux systems, you can
use zcat as follows:

  zcat firmware.<board_name>.img.gz partition.img.gz > complete_image.img

On Windows systems, you have to first decompress the two parts separately,
which can be done e.g. by using 7-Zip, and then concatenate the decompressed
parts together by running the command

  copy /b firmware.<board_name>.img + partition.img complete_image.img

in a Windows CMD.exe window.